Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bullying help 2

Does bullying depress you? Does it make you feel unworthy of living?
If you said yes to both of the questions above, the best thing for you to do is have fun and forget about what happens to you. Do you get depressed enough to consider going “emo”? Don’t go “emo” it will only derail you further, have fun in school there is no reason to get depressed because of bullying, if you stop thinking about it and ignoring it, soon; bullying will be the last thing on your mind. You can’t let something like bullying ruin your school life.
Have you ever thought of standing up to the bullies?
If you did, why didn’t you do it earlier! It’s a great idea, it’s one of the few ways where you show the bully that your equal and your no different. I know many of my friends who got bullied, but stood up to them, and ended up being friends with them (the bullies).

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Investigation: Bullying Help

Have you ever been bullied? Do you know what to do when you get bullied? If the answer is “no”, then this is the thing to read.
Do you feel like an outcast, or that you’re the only one being bullied? You must remember that your not the only one, one in four kids around the world are bullied. Do you get physically harassed, or is it through abusive language? Do they leave you in mental situations where you feel like you have now way out, do the bullies get you depressed? They might make you feel like you have no other way out of it, sometimes you might feel like killing your self. Sometimes the bullying might make you feel so bad you might make you feel like you don’t deserve to live, but don’t believe that, and if you consider going “emo” or committing suicide, don’t! You have a life and no one can take it from you.
You will read all about it and how to stop it in the next post.